Short Hike to XiangShan, Taipei

XiangShan, or Mt Elephant, a well know hill that provides a fantastic view of the iconic Taipei 101 tower and the bustling city of Taipei. The hike from the base to the viewing platform takes less than an hour to reach, maybe 25 mins for those with good leg power. But if you want to take it slow, maybe 40 mins from the base (coming from the Xiangshan MRT side).

For me, I set aside my afternoon for the warm up climb before my multiple day Mt Jade (Yushan) climb the next few days. From Taipei Main Station, I took the red line MRT to the terminal station of XiangShan, Following the sign boards and my google map, i made my way along a park to get to the trailhead for the climb up XiangShan.

There is a restaurant called “Nola Kitchen” just before the start up a street to get to the start point of the climb. Had my lunch there. The restaurant offers western cuisine, and the usual favourites of the local like pasta and pizza and meaty stuff and craft beers, and even the local milk tea. The crowd was good when I ordered my lunch there before the climb up XiangShan. It was a good place to have a good meal before the climb and for those climbers coming down from Xiangshan to get a rewarding meal before heading back to the city area. Well this is still Taipei area just that it is not the central area of shopping malls and night markets.

Steps leading to the top of XiangShan

From the restaurant it was just about 10 mins walk up the steep street to reach the start point of the climb which is located besides a temple. There is quite a crowd near the start point. Nothing grand, a just a simple entrance like many other parks. It was an immediate climb up the flight of stairs to get to the viewing platform. Not much of a view climbing up as the foliage is blocking any view out from the trail. There are certain pockets where you could see the city below. if my memory is correct, the climb was about 180m up.

Long Queue to take picture of themselves and the 6 Big Rock

Along the way at the higher section, stands the famous 6 Big rocks (六巨石), this is the popular photo shot spots where one would to try to climb onto the rocks and take photo with the city background. There was a long queue when I was there and decided just to continue on. from there onward, it was a further short climb to the view platform. I thought there was a better and higher platform, but that was it.

Cloudy day view of the Taipei City

Once I reached the viewing platform, I spent about 20 mins there taking some pictures but actually wanted to cool myself down from the non stop climb and was getting a little sweaty ( not dress properly for the climb, well it was a last minute decision to come here during that day). So I was loitering at the viewing platform looking as people come and go. Some even came to take wedding photo at the platform and everyone will make way for them to have their special photo taken. The area is popular for visitors wanting to catch the new year countdown fireworks, and the sunsets of the Taipei city with the Taipei 101 in sight. Now the locals were telling me there is also the 102 and 103. They are actually the buildings next to the 101. Not sure if the locals were pulling my leg or not.

Not wanting to take the same way down, I proceeded higher to see if there is another way down and not too far. Mt Elephant, or Xiangshan forms part of the animal kingdom mountain around that area. They have the Mt Elephant, Mt Tiger, Mt Lion, all linked by trails and if you have the time, could continue on from XiangShan onward. For me, looking at the trail map, i choose to continue my short hike towards YongChunGang park. Not a planned route, just adhoc and see how i could get back to the city area from there.

As i walked towards YongChunGan Park (永春崗公園),, the crowd dwindles down. Occasionally I see some locals coming up from that way. It was a quick descent to the quiet YongChunGang Park. I follow the signs to the residential area which was really nostalgia for me. The building there reminded me of our public housing in Singapore back in the 80s. It was very peaceful and quiet, but the sight of cars being park at the garden car park to the maximum capacity has a contradicting sense of the surrounding. I follow my google map and walked to the village road trying to get to the nearest bus stop. It was about 30 mins of walking that i came to a bus stop just beside a bus terminal. There was a another lady waiting at the bus stop and so i just follow suite and boarded the 1st bus that came along. Being still within Taipei city, I would think every bus would somehow pass by a MRT train station. And indeed it it. Just 5 mins on the bus and i entered into an area where local shops and dainty cafe stood. And another 15 mins on the same bus, I was surrounded by tall buildings in the Xingyi District area.

I alighted around the Taipei City Hall station and began my shopping mall tourist mode, walking from there all the way to Taipei 101 area. It was a Sunday weekend and not easy to find food with no queue for just one person like myself. Eventually I took the MRT back to Taipei Main station where i settled my dinner over some ramen and gyozas.

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